Our instructors

Interview with education director Gabriele Migliori

About 30 masters and professionals currently work with the School, and they strive to provide their skills to all students. They are all professionals with a minimum of twenty years' experience in their fields. Decorators, woodturners, glaziers, lab technicians, plaster trainers but also 3D prototype designers, printers with 3D systems, architects and designers. Each with their own specificity that makes the School unique and high-level.

While we know that each instructor is highly qualified in his or her area of expertise we want them to be able to deliver their knowledge to the best of their ability, disseminate it adequately and without too many communication filters. This is why we try to increase their skills in the training field by organizing annual refresher seminars on any topic deemed appropriate: from safety in the workplace to communication methodology in training.

To this end, a professional course was organized in January 2024 precisely to develop personal skills and knowledge regarding interpersonal and teaching communication methods, with special reference to group management and relationships with students. Small steps that make the School grow and bring harmony to the entire collective by raising its level of quality. In this sense, we try to make our instructors feel like they are within a family.

If everyone feels welcomed and accepted for what they can give the whole collective is positively affected. There is no greater satisfaction than to communicate one's knowledge to others, to give back knowledge, the knowledge we have all acquired through other people and have cultivated and matured through experience. This is what a school is for.


  • Aiden Moore

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    • Charles Holland

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